In Memory

Bill Bathe

Bill Bathe

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01/20/11 10:37 PM #1    

Connie Griffin

 Although I can't remember the exact date, or even year, I remember the night Bill passed.  We were having a birthday party for Kelly and he was at the party. (it must have been around July, 1971)  The night ended with this tragic event.  

01/23/11 09:19 PM #2    

Allen Swanson

I think Bill left us in the summer of 1972.  I was at a hayrack ride the night before with Bill and several other guys.  What a tragedy.  We rode motorcycles together from 1969-1972.  I sure have missed his grin and great sense of humor.  I remember one night Bill & I and some other guys rode our motorcycles back from Lake Bloomington with the light off. 

What a good friend he was.


01/26/11 03:42 PM #3    

Phillip Stearns

I have very fond memories of Bill.  Bill, Tim Flynn and I hung around quite a lot in 1968 as all 3 of us worked as Bus Boys at Barneys Steakhouse.  He taught me to ride his Triumph Bonneville motorcycle, although I had difficulty because my legs were so short.  The 3 of us hung around alot at Gradys Pizza and used to shoot at rabbits and pheasants (just for fun) with high powered air rifles in the corn field which is now State Farm.  We did a lot of hunting (shotguns for real) in winters of 68, 69.  Believe it or not the school screwed up when all 3 of us were assigned  the same English teacher (Mr Lauer) our senior year last hour, and after about 2 weeks Mr Lauer just gave up and learned to accept that the 3 of us would come running into classroom always a couple minutes late.  Bill tied my shoe laces to the chair leg once and you can imagine what happened when I got up to leave when the bel rang. I believe it was summer of 72 that we lost Bill, because I was on a 7 day Leavefron my duty station. I cannot think of my HS days without remembering Bill, which brings on happy smiles of knowing him and sadness with losing him. A genuine nice guy.

08/08/11 07:41 PM #4    

John Bentley

He was one of the few motorcycle riders at school.  I tremember it as maybe a '67 BSA.  I thought about that bike for years and finally in early '81 bought a  '72 Triumph.  Now I tinker around with restoring English bikes.  Thanks Bill... if it hadn't been for you and your bike I likely wouldn't be doing it.

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