In Memory

Edward Hosea

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01/24/11 07:27 PM #1    

Penny Jackson

I went to visitation for Claude Edward Hosea with Kevin Menken. While visiting with his grandmother I found out that he died of undiagnosed diabetes. It must have been 1973 as he was just 20 years old.

He was such a sweet person. He was in one of my junior high english classes and I remember the teacher asked him which he went by, Claude or Edward and he said that it didn't matter. So that year he was Claude for at least one class period. The rest of the day he was Eddie.

04/16/11 05:35 PM #2    

Peggy Dunlap

I went all through school with Eddie. We grew up not far from each other and hung out at O'neil park summer evenings. I have never forgotten how much I always loved talking with Eddie. During the "racial conflict" at BHS Eddie and I held hands at the assembly.  I worked with his mother for several years at school before we put 2&2 together -then we both cried.  Wish he were here.

04/18/11 11:24 AM #3    

Jane Schweizer

Eddie, was truly one of the most sweetest young men I ever knew in High School.  When we had our riots on Earth Day during the time I was at BHS - when there was a RIOT inside BHS - and when we as the students got inside the classroom the teacher would lock the doors. I remember Eddie walking me to my every class.  As soon as the class was letting out he was waiting for me outside the classroom to walk me to my next class.  Eddie was a precious man.  The winter/Christmas season of 2009 - Mark and I were going through the mansions for the Christmas holiday events - and as we were going through I was talking with a family and found out it was Eddie's mother.  I was so happy to have met her.  I told her of how Eddie took the time to walk with me to my classes to make sure that I was safe.  She also shared that Eddie knew the Lord Jesus as His Savior.  This blessed my heart.

08/06/11 10:16 AM #4    

Ann Hedstrom (Hedstrom-Byers)

I didn't know Eddie very well, but have to agree with all of the above...He was a sweetie.

02/23/12 05:51 PM #5    

Phillip Stearns

Eddie was truly a very nice, jovial guy and always seemed to be smiling.  Even with my troubled years in High School I didn't hesitate to talk with me and was quite upfront with me about my anger, and also quite understanding.  Yes, he was one of those truly nice guys.

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