In Memory

Mike Day

 Mike passed away in 2001 with cancer.  Although Mike didn't graduate with the class of 1971, we wanted to include him since he spent many years as a part of our class.  Mike resided in Champaign, IL and was a member of the well known band Champaign.  His song "How Bout Us" is being added to the playlist.

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02/08/11 05:38 PM #1    

Connie Griffin

 From the Pantagraph, June, 10, 2001

Michael Day


BLOOMINGTON - Michael A. Day, 48, of Champaign, a Bloomington native, died Thursday (June 7, 2001) at his home

02/25/11 07:55 PM #2    

Phillip Stearns

Knew Mike some.  Met him through my brother Kevin if I remember correctly.  Kevin dis some recordings at Mike's music/sound store in Champaign.  In fact, I think it was Mike that recorded Kevin's music tribute about police officers, in-reference to my days as one, because he worried so much about my safety back then.  Nice guy. 

08/06/11 10:08 AM #3    

Ann Hedstrom (Hedstrom-Byers)

I was reintroduced to Mike and his wife Rena at a great retreat in 1998 when they played and sang for our group.  At the time they were both very religious, so I know that he was in the right place at his death.  I still see Rena occasionally and know that he is missed!


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